Fresh eggs for sale buy 100 crates above and we deliver. Jumbo size =₦700 Medium size=₦600 Small size=₦500 We need a distributor in any state, we give to you to help us sales and you take your own profit. You can contact us at YARIMA POULTRY FARM. Phone number:@08106244283 WhatApp number@08106244283 Our address is: No. 3, Okele Street, Ogbogbo, Ijebu North East, Ogun State, Nigeria. We offer free nationwide delivery. Your birds growing at high densities requires a nutritionally complete feed to produce good growth and maintain good health. I'm a local manufacture and distributor of high quality poultry feed in Nigeria. I sale at an affordable rate of ₦2,500 per 25kg bag I have starters,grower,finisher and layer mash available. I distribute to all part of the country to sub distributors, wholesalers, retailers and end users. Feel free to call us on. @08106244283 A day old broiler =₦150 A day old pullet =₦220 A day old hybrid turkey =₦900 A day old foreign turkey =₦1,100 6 week old turkey =₦1,200 8 week old turkey =₦1,500 A day old white cockerel =₦50 A day black cockerel =₦100 Point of lay turkeys =₦2500(9months) Point of lay pullets=₦1200(6 weeks). HOW TO ORDER ☎ To place your booking call/ Whatsapp: 08106244283 We Deliver Nationwide God bless *NOTE* Please know that the price is not fixed, it can change on the market day (either increase or decrease in price).. Thanks for your time. Thanks for your patronage...




This is YARIMA FARM LTD website created by YARIMA POULTRY FARM. YARIMA FARM LTD falls in AGRICULTURE line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : Ijebu ode north, Ogbogbo, Ijebu Ode, Ogun, Nigeria - 120272 You can contact us by phone - **********4283 or email us on j*********@g*****.com or use the Contact Form. Th...


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